The National Crystallography Association was founded in Ankara in 2001 and is a member of the European Crystallography Association (ECA). It represents our country abroad in this field, with over 100 members engaged in academic and industrial activities in the field of crystallography.
Crystallography, an independent scientific discipline, could not truly show itself in Turkey until the 1960s. In general, students studying in the field of geology and mineralogy at universities are given information about crystal geometry and crystal optics, and in the light of this information, crystalline materials can be examined microscopically. The structure of unknown samples was tried to be defined by using a limited number of X-ray powder diffractometers available in some departments of universities and the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) Institute. In the physics and chemistry departments, courses were given on both crystal symmetry and the physical and chemical properties of crystals, enabling a transition to more detailed structural analyses.

The Turkish National Crystallography Association was founded in Ankara in 2001 and is a member of the European Crystallography Association (ECA). It represents our country abroad in this field, with over 100 members engaged in academic and industrial activities in the field of crystallography.